Tailor-Made UI

UI Design Components. Tailor-Made For Your SaaS.

Ship features faster.
Delight your users.
Grow your product.
(Without bloating your codebase.)
Brian Casel
A design service by Brian Casel.
(That's me. Hi )
“Launching my MVP with Brian was a breeze. I trust him to make the right design and product choices every step of the way. He just gets it.”
Louis Nicholls, founder of SparkLoop
Louis Nicholls
Founder, SparkLoop
“As a developer, I struggle with a lot of UI design details. Working with Brian has been amazing to to help us overhaul our dated designs... All in TailwindCSS too :)”
Mike Kelly, CTO of MemberVault
Mike Kelly
CTO of MemberVault

Make your competitors jealous.

Customers recommend rave about products that are a joy to use. In other words, for those SaaS companies, their product is their competitive advantage.

Is the same true for your SaaS?

I'm guessing your SaaS saw its early success like most did: You solved a problem well and early adopters were willing to look past the rough edges in your product. An MVP and lots of customer support can go a long way!

Now your next wave of customers are on their way. But they expect more.

They need your product to fit like a glove. It needs to be intuitive. Customers don't want to sift through your help docs. They don’t want to contact support. It’s easier for them to hop over to one of your (many) competitors at the first sign of friction.

Go from “good enough” to growth lever.

Your back-end developers are excellent. But they'll be the first to admit: Sure, they can build the “full stack”, but the (not-so-secret) truth is that for a back-end developer, coding the front-end (what your customer sees) is a slog.

Tools like TailwindCSS are wonderful. JavaScript libraries work like magic. Starter templates can speed up an MVP build in the early days.

But today's tooling only gets your product to "good enough". The UI feels slapped together (and yes, your users feel it).

Your app looked fine on day one, but how about day 1000, after many more features were bolted on? This is how “clunky” happens.

So how can we take your product’s experience from “good enough” to growth lever?

Three steps:

Super-charge your developers.
Free them of their burden to care for the front-end. Back-end devs fly when they’re focused on the architecture and business logic.
Establish your product's UI library.
Tailor-made for the specific needs of your product. Coded into components that your devs can easily implement in your app—today, tomorrow and for years to come.
Future-proof your product's UI.
Craft your UI with an eye for growth. Assemble components with configureable options so that they can be re-used and adapted across your product—present and future.

Your Tailor-Made UI.

I (Brian Casel, hi ) created Tailor-Made UI to fill the product gap that I still see in too many SaaS products today.

Think of Tailor-Made UI as your product’s secret weapon aimed at eliminating “clunky” and converting your customers into raving fans.

Your Tailor-Made UI gives you:

Your UI library
A collection of views and components, thoughtfully designed and detailed to the specific needs of your product’s features—and no one else’s.
Pixel-Perfect code
Everything coded in HTML and TailwindCSS. Mobile responsive. Accessible. Dark mode too.
Interactivity built-in
Snappy interactive elements like dropdown menus, modals, and reveals using sprinkles of JavaScript (AlpineJS or StimulusJS).
Reuseable components
Configurable components for Rails or Laravel (or flat HTML if your prefer). Your devs can grab and use your components without worrying about breaking their baked-in design patterns.

Let's compare...

Tailor-Made UI is just one (of many) options you have when it comes to delivering the best version of your SaaS product. I may be biased, but I think it's your best option ;)

Let's break it down...

Use a template
Difficult to customize.
Tailor-Made UI
Designed for your specific needs.
Use a template
Bloated with things you won't use (leads to technical debt).
Tailor-Made UI
Only the components you need. No code bloat.
Use a template
Lacks context across your app.
Tailor-Made UI
Sensible configurations for how each component will be used across your app.
Use a template
Requires work (time) to integrate in your app.
Tailor-Made UI
Built for your stack, with easy plug-and-go implementation.
Hire a designer
Figma mockups only.
Tailor-Made UI
Figma (if needed). Designs delivered in HTML, TailwindCSS, JavaScript and (optional) dynamic components.
Hire a designer
Mockups don't translate in the app.
Tailor-Made UI
Designed & polished in the browser at every step.
Hire a designer
Requires additional an developer ($$$).
Tailor-Made UI
Design + Front-end dev included.
Hire a designer
Rarely speaks the language of full stack web app development.
Tailor-Made UI
Brian is a designer (first) with experience as a SaaS founder & full-stack builder.
Leave it to devs
Back-end devs are slower (and less productive) on front-end.
Tailor-Made UI
Free up your devs to focus on business logic.
Leave it to the devs
Competing priorities cause them to seek shortcuts on your UI/UX.
Tailor-Made UI
Dedicated investment in quality UI/UX for your product's customers.
Leave it to the devs
Perpetually behind schedule on your roadmap.
Tailor-Made UI
Speeds up your roadmap and delivers for customers!
Leave it to the devs
Often slow to integrate given designs.
Tailor-Made UI
Designed components built for easy and fast hand-off and plug-and-play for your devs.

See a few samples

I love to "build in public"—and if we work together, I'd love to share your UI project too! (With your permission, of course).

“Brian's full stack product chops were just what we needed to turn our partially-built idea into a customer-ready product. His eye for UI & UX was particularly helpful. More products on the way!“
Mike Buckbee, Co-Founder, Knowatoa
Mike Buckbee
Co-Founder, Knowatoa
“Launching my MVP with Brian was a breeze. I trust him to make the right design and product choices every step of the way. He just gets it.”
Louis Nicholls, founder of SparkLoop
Louis Nicholls
Founder, SparkLoop
“Brian's eye for UI/UX made it easy to focus on what really matters and craft a great experience for our customers.”
Andy Baldacci, CEO at SaberSim
Andy Baldacci
CEO at SaberSim
“Brian helped us craft a custom UI to help our customers import complex data when onboarding. With his help, our team is shipping in weeks something that's been on the roadmap for years. Brian provides guidance, clean code, and a professional's eye that makes this an easy partnership.”
Jon, SaaS Founder
SaaS Founder
"I've worked with dozens of website designers over 25 years and Brian is without a doubt the best. He adds a ton of value, communicates well and delivers high quality work on schedule. You want Brian on your team."
Matt Cassarino, Founder, TourVista
Matt Cassarino
Founder, TourVista
“As a developer, I struggle with a lot of UI design details. Working with Brian has really improved our dated product experience... All in TailwindCSS too :)”
Mike Kelly, Co-Founder, MemberVault
Mike Kelly
Co-Founder, MemberVault

More info... In FAQ form.

Who's behind Tailor-Made UI?

That would be me, Brian Casel ( Hi ).

I'm a multi-time SaaS founder, product designer and full-stack developer. I'm also the co-host of the Bootstrappd Web podcast, a long-running show that fellow SaaS founders seem to like :)

After years of grinding on my own products, I decided to open up this consultancy so that I could collaborate on other products and sharpen my chops in the process.

What does this service cost?

Rates change from time-to-time so you'll need to get in touch to request a quote.

But here's a bit more info:

  • I charge a weekly rate, billed in 2-week sprints.
  • Most projects begin with a 2-4 initial sprint where we ship some quick wins.
  • Many projects continue for several weeks or months to cover more ground.
Which tech stack can this work with?

By default, we'll assume your UI designs will be delivered in cleanly coded HTML and TailwindCSS . Where interactivity is needed, we'll likely use AlpineJS or StimulusJS .

If your app is Ruby on Rails , then I can spin up a simple Rails app and deliver your UI as rails views, partials, and configueable components for easy portability into your production app.

Using Laravel ? Then your UI can be delivered in a simple Laravel app with Livewire components.

How is a components library different from a redesign?

Most projects begin with a straightforward redesign of your app's dashboard or a particular feature and view.

But the real value comes when we assemble your collection of UI components (menus, forms, panels, modals, popovers, and more...), which can be re-used throughout our app.

Each component is designed to keep your app's UI consistent, while offering sensible configuration options to work in whichever context a component is used in your app.

The key: Your UI library is tailor-made for your SaaS. Not everyone else's too.

Can you work in our existing codebase?

In most cases, it's best to have me deliver your UI designs in its own standalone codebase, separate from your production application. That's the cleanest way to maintain your UI. It's also the most time and cost efficient.

Think of this UI codebase as your SaaS' internal UI library, where your developers can grab the code snippets that they need to implement features in your production app.

Can you collaborate with our back-end devs?

Of course! The goal is to make it as easy and efficient as possible for your devs to use your Tailor-Made UI to implement features in your app. Brian is happy to communicate with anyone on your team to ensure a smooth delivery every step of the way.

Will you deliver designs in Figma?

For the most part, your UI is designed and coded in the browser (in code) so that it's crafted in its final form throughout the process.

However, for more complex interfaces, I'll often mock up rough wireframes in Figma to help ensure we're aligned on the funcntional direction of things.

In some cases, clients prefer to have designs delivered in Figma-only and leave all of the coding to their internal team. That's totally fine too, in which case, your UI will be delivered as detailed Figma mockups.

Do you do full stack app development too?

Yes -- Brian and his team also offer full stack SaaS app development.

That's offered in a dedicated service. Learn more about it onemonth.app

Can you design our product's marketing site?

Yes — Having designed, written and launched many SaaS product brands in my career, marketing site design is something I love to work on too. It's a great use-case for Tailor-Made UI.

In most cases, a 1-pager (or 2 or 3) with some well-crafted copy that hones in your product's positioning is what you need to hit the mark with customers. The brand design and components we create here should be useful for months or years to come.

How do we communicate throughout our projects?

We can start with a live call, but almost all communication after that happens asynchronously.

In fact, Brian is the founder (and product designer) of Clarityflow , a SaaS specifically made for async messaging using video, screen, and texts. My clients and I love the flexibility and efficiency of async. Prefer Loom? You can record and embed Looms right inside Clarityflow too.

I'm not against the occasional live call too.

How do I inquire about availability?

Send Brian an email to inquire about a project or ask any other questions.

Availability is limited and I often book projects out at least a month in advance. Get in touch to discuss current availability.

Get your Tailor-Made UI

Contact Brian to inquire about getting started with Tailor-Made UI.

Availability is limited and projects are often booked at least a month in advance. Let's chat to discuss :)

Get in touch

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Full Stack MVP Development:
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